Projects Developed By Programming Club Members:

Press the button to see the code for any project here!

moving flag

use left and right arrowkeys to animate this flag

bouncing ball

another awesome flag

2D lorenz attractor

a visualization of 2d spaces with different metrics; drag the slider to change the metric

Double lorenz attractor!

a clone of the balls game; click to start

Just press load

2d pong, use arrow keys and wasd to move

ball bouncing in 3d; drag to see all sides

swinging rope

move the arrow keys to get the gold

click and drag to move the ball

Realistic cloth simuation

snake game, use arrow keys to play

survive game (use arrow keys)

adjust sliders to see how objects of different masses and velocities will collide

rope/spring system

Clickable page for science project

3D lorenz attractor!

another cool flag

ball bouncing

type a color in the box

space gun, arrow keys to move, space bar to shoot

Load the demo and watch

random unicode characters

play pong against an ai with your mouse!

dynamical flow simulation

audio; click and drag to change the pitch

Tic tac toe

Flappy bird, Press space to jump

merry christmas art!

move in 3d with your arrow keys

semi-realistic planetary orbit, adjust the slider to adjust gravity

art: rainbow star

Graph of a differential equation of a spring losing energy



Use arrow keys to move

arrows follow your mouse

dots an balls; a two player game

A supernova

ball bouncing around

Load the demo, sit down, and watch as the mesmerizing donuts take your problems away

Ball expanding, click

whack-a-mole; click to start

disco pumpkin

student eating pretzel

a cool flag

bees swarm the mouse

blackjack game

Use r, g, y, b, w, and shift to change color, click and use arrow keys to draw, numbers to switch modes, on mode 2, write using letter keys and insert photos using backspace, enter, and shift.

frantic teapot

Move mouse and click

wordle clone, guess the word

cool triangle bouncing

use wasd to move the circle

McDonalds art

wave rider

rope simulation (move the mouse)

use wasd to move the box

walk through a tunnel with the up arrow

press load, art of astroid colliding